Content-Type: application/json
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"count": 588,
"next": "",
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"results": [
"id": 2212,
"mtag_name": "Divorce",
"title": "Procedure Of Divorce For NRIs | NRI Divorce In India",
"description": "Both mutual consent divorce and contested divorce are acceptable forms of divorce in case of NRIs. Here’s a brief guide on NRI divorce procedure in India.",
"image": "",
"imagealt": "Procedure Of Divorce For NRIs | NRI Divorce In India",
"slug": "procedure-for-nri-divorce-in-india"
"id": 2210,
"mtag_name": "RERA",
"title": "Top 5 Questions By Homebuyers On Complaint Under RERA",
"description": "Legistify answers top 5 questions asked by homebuyers while dealing with their disputes with builders under RERA.",
"image": "",
"imagealt": "Top 5 Questions By Homebuyers On Complaint Under RERA",
"slug": "top-questions-by-homebuyers-on-complaint-under-rera"
"id": 2209,
"mtag_name": "Drafting",
"title": "Lease Deed in India: Meaning, Contents And Registration",
"description": "A lease deed is a written contract between a landlord (lessor) and tenant (lessee), which states that the landlord would receive a periodic payment in exchange of allowing the tenant to use and occupy the property.",
"image": "",
"imagealt": "Lease Deed in India: Meaning, Contents And Registration",
"slug": "lease-deed-in-india"
"id": 2208,
"mtag_name": "Corporate Law",
"title": "ISO Certification Process in India",
"description": "ISO Certification is a certificate that proves that the quality of product or services of the business matches with the international standards and that the business has made sufficient efforts to serve the customers in a better way.",
"image": "",
"imagealt": "ISO Certification Process in India",
"slug": "iso-certification-in-india"
"id": 2207,
"mtag_name": "RERA",
"title": "Interest On Delayed Possession Under RERA",
"description": "ection 18 of RERA Act states that if the promoter fails to complete or is unable to give possession, the builder is liable to refund the money of the buyer and pay a certain amount of interest for the period of delay.",
"image": "",
"imagealt": "Interest On Delayed Possession Under RERA",
"slug": "interest-on-delayed-possession-under-rera"
"id": 2206,
"mtag_name": "Divorce",
"title": "When Wife Is Not Entitled To Claim Maintenance in India",
"description": "Under the different Indian laws, a wife gets disqualified and becomes unentitled to claim maintenance from her husband in certain cases.",
"image": "",
"imagealt": "When Wife Is Not Entitled To Claim Maintenance in India",
"slug": "cases-when-wife-is-not-entitled-to-maintenance"
"id": 2205,
"mtag_name": "Drafting",
"title": "Letter Of Intent in India: Meaning, Legal Application and Drafting",
"description": "A Letter of Intent is a formal letter that is drafted by one person and given to another to lay down the specifics of their transactions.",
"image": "",
"imagealt": "Letter Of Intent in India: Meaning, Legal Application and Drafting",
"slug": "letter-of-intent-in-india"
"id": 2201,
"mtag_name": "RERA",
"title": "How To Send A Legal Notice To Builder For Delay In Construction?",
"description": "The homebuyer can send a legal notice to the builder for delay in construction when the builder is not delivering the possession to the homebuyer within the time promised.",
"image": "",
"imagealt": "How To Send A Legal Notice To Builder For Delay In Construction?",
"slug": "how-to-send-a-legal-notice-to-builder-for-delay-in-construction"
"id": 2197,
"mtag_name": "IPR Management",
"title": "Trademark Opposition Procedure In India",
"description": "Anyone from the general public may file Trademark opposition in India against a Trademark registration application to prevent it from being approved by the Registrar.",
"image": "",
"imagealt": "Trademark Opposition Procedure In India",
"slug": "trademark-opposition-procedure-in-india"
"id": 2195,
"mtag_name": "IPR Management",
"title": "Copyright Infringement: Online Piracy In India",
"description": "Online piracy or internet piracy in India is an act of Copyright infringement wherein the original work of someone is used, distributed and sold without authorisation or license.",
"image": "",
"imagealt": "Copyright Infringement: Online Piracy In India",
"slug": "online-piracy-in-india"