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    "count": 588,
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    "results": [
            "id": 809,
            "mtag_name": "Drafting",
            "title": "Important Clauses In A Non-Disclosure Agreement",
            "description": "In this article, we discuss the key elements of a Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDA) and what clauses must be incorporated in a Non-Disclosure Agreement.",
            "image": "",
            "imagealt": "nda in India",
            "slug": "809-important-clauses-to-be-mentioned-in-a-non-disclosure-agreement"
            "id": 800,
            "mtag_name": "Family Law",
            "title": "Learn How To Gift: Muslim Law",
            "description": "Gift is a transfer of property where interest is transferred from one living person to another, without any consideration. It is gratuitous and inter-vivos in nature. This is the general definition that is accepted by all the religions, including Muslim law. As per the Muslim Law, a gift is called as Hiba.",
            "image": "",
            "imagealt": "gift in muslim laws",
            "slug": "800-learn-how-to-gift-muslim-law"
            "id": 793,
            "mtag_name": "Divorce",
            "title": "A Guide to Mutual Divorce",
            "description": "Divorce by mutual consent is one of the fastest ways to get a divorce in India. It provides an opportunity for amicable dissolution of marriage when faced with its irreparable breakdown.",
            "image": "",
            "imagealt": "mutual consent divorce in india",
            "slug": "793-a-guide-to-mutual-divorce"
            "id": 787,
            "mtag_name": "Corporate Law",
            "title": "An Overview On Merger And Amalgamation",
            "description": "Amalgamation is the combination of one or more companies into a new entity. An amalgamation is distinct from a merger because neither of the combining companies survives as a legal entity; a completely new entity is formed to house the combined assets and liabilities of both companies.",
            "image": "",
            "imagealt": "merger and amalgamation",
            "slug": "787-merger"
            "id": 781,
            "mtag_name": "Employment",
            "title": "A Critical Take On The Mines Act, 1952",
            "description": "The Mines Act, 1952 has incorporated many sections which were required to ensure that the working conditions of the miners are met with the proper safety and medical guidelines apt to their work environment, whilst setting a minimum benchmark for all the activities falling under the act. This is a very crucial piece of legislation owing to the absolutely horrendous conditions of mining workers on the ground level and hence needs proper legal dissection for a social change in the lives of the thousands of Indians working as miners.",
            "image": "",
            "imagealt": "Mines Act",
            "slug": "781-a-critical-take-on-the-mines-act-1952"
            "id": 780,
            "mtag_name": "Criminal Defence",
            "title": "Plea Bargain: Available Yet Unused",
            "description": "The plea bargaining helps in the reduction of the number of under-trial prisoners and also fulfils the most important constitutional obligation to provide speedy trial to individuals. Peoples faith has been reaffirmed in the criminal justice system because of plea bargaining.",
            "image": "",
            "imagealt": "plea bargain",
            "slug": "780-plea-bargain-available-yet-unused"
            "id": 768,
            "mtag_name": "General Legal",
            "title": "NJAC: The National Commission For The Appointment Of Judges And Its Fate",
            "description": "Debate around the National Judicial Appointments Commission (NJAC) has often been emotive rather than dispassionate, with the discourse ranging from senior lawyer Ram Jethmalani calling it an “evil absurdity” to attorney general Mukul Rohatgi pointing to judges who habitually turned up late in court as a reason to ditch the existing collegium system to select judges. A truly Polarizing issue in its entirety.",
            "image": "",
            "imagealt": "NJAC",
            "slug": "768-njac-the-national-commission-for-the-appointment-of-judges-and-its-fate"
            "id": 758,
            "mtag_name": "Corporate Law",
            "title": "Allotment Of Shares: The Process",
            "description": "A guide to the various aspects of how shares are allotted by Companies in India.",
            "image": "",
            "imagealt": "allotment of shares in India",
            "slug": "758-allotment-of-shares-the-process"
            "id": 757,
            "mtag_name": "General Legal",
            "title": "Right To Housing In The Indian Context",
            "description": "Housing is at the centre of an ensemble of life issues, including the child’s right to be brought up in a safe environment. The rights to housing and security are interconnected. While poor housing conditions affect health, homelessness and frequent displacements are shown to impair the child’s learning.  The Right to Housing has been recognized in India under the scope of Article 21. However, poverty induced homelessness still continues to hamper nations overall development. ",
            "image": "",
            "imagealt": "right to housing",
            "slug": "757-right-to-housing-in-the-indian-context"
            "id": 746,
            "mtag_name": "Divorce",
            "title": "Domestic Violence: The Man's Side",
            "description": "In the absence of any systemic data, there are more men than before coming up and reporting violence by women. It becomes important to understand and examine the issue of violence against men by women and what are the associated factors. With changing gender roles and power relations, incidents of violence are becoming more and more gender neutral and can only increase in the future. This will have far-reaching consequences and implications for the larger society and relationships between men and women. ",
            "image": "",
            "imagealt": "domestic violence against men",
            "slug": "746-domestic-violence-through-a-man-s-eye"