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    "count": 588,
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    "results": [
            "id": 78,
            "mtag_name": "Consumer Protection",
            "title": "E-Commerce Industry And Competition Law",
            "description": "Last decade has witnessed the upsurge in the e-commerce activities across the globe. India is no exception, and hence the result is mushrooming internet platforms, a sporadic growth of start-ups and changing consumer preferences. Although the e-commerce industry in India is in its nascent stage, it is already under the Competition Commission’s scanner. It is evident that e-commerce will provoke a different set of anti-competitive concerns which may be unknown or unexpected. A number of issues emerge like; Will the existing gamut of rules and regulations would be applicable under these new economic circumstances as well?",
            "image": "",
            "imagealt": "e-commerce in India",
            "slug": "78-e-commerce-industry-and-competition-law"
            "id": 77,
            "mtag_name": "General Legal",
            "title": "Anti Defection Law in India",
            "description": "The Anti-Defection Law was passed in 1985 through the 52nd Amendment to the Constitution, which added the Tenth Schedule to the Indian Constitution. The main intent of the law was to combat “the evil of political defections”. It was made to bring stability to structure of political system by preventing the frequent change of parties by members. This law bars that once a person is elected as a member of House, he cannot change its party after the elections.   There are various grounds of defections which can lead to the disqualification that is pointed out in Tenth Schedule.",
            "image": "",
            "imagealt": "Anti Defection Law in India",
            "slug": "77-anti-defection-law-in-india"
            "id": 76,
            "mtag_name": "Alternate Dispute Resolution",
            "title": "Online Arbitration In India",
            "description": "The increasing popularity and dependence on the internet throughout the world have increased the number of disputes arising from e-commerce, domain names registrations, etc. Thus, the internet can also be used in an effective manner to neutralize such issues by way of online arbitration.",
            "image": "",
            "imagealt": "Online Arbitration",
            "slug": "76-online-arbitration-in-india"
            "id": 75,
            "mtag_name": "General Legal",
            "title": "Food Adulteration in India: The Problem and Law",
            "description": "Adulterating the quality of food to increase its longevity and taste in order to increase profit comes at the heavy cost of health of the millions consuming it, jeopardizing the future of the country by making available noxious consumables to the younger generation. ",
            "image": "",
            "imagealt": "Food Adulteration in India",
            "slug": "75-food-adulteration-a-serious-problem-in-india-laws-governed-to-tackle-the-problem"
            "id": 74,
            "mtag_name": "General Legal",
            "title": "Fundamental Right to Environment in India",
            "description": "Environmental protection is a fundamental duty of every citizen of this country under Article 51-A(g) of our Constitution which reads as follows, “It shall be the duty of every citizen of India to protect and improve the natural environment including forests, lakes, rivers and wildlife and to have compassion for living creatures.”",
            "image": "",
            "imagealt": "Fundamental Right to Environment in India",
            "slug": "74-environmental-protection-is-a-fundamental-duty-of-every-citizen-of-this-country-agree-or-not"
            "id": 73,
            "mtag_name": "Cyber Crime",
            "title": "Cyber Bullying & its Prevention",
            "description": "More and more, law-enforcement officers are being called in to handle cases of cyberbullying among kids and teens. If you aren’t familiar with the term, cyberbullying is bullying through technology, such as computers and cell phones.",
            "image": "",
            "imagealt": "",
            "slug": "73-cyber-bullying-its-prevention"
            "id": 72,
            "mtag_name": "Family Law",
            "title": "Child Adoption Under Hindu Laws In India | Child Adoption Laws",
            "description": "Read about the eligibility and procedure to adopt a child in India under Hindu Child Adoption Laws. Read Child Adoption procedure in India under the Hindu Maintenance and Adoption Act.",
            "image": "",
            "imagealt": "Child Adoption under HIndu Laws",
            "slug": "72-want-to-adopt-a-child-the-prerequisites-rules-for-adoption-must-be-considered-beforehand"
            "id": 71,
            "mtag_name": "Criminal Law",
            "title": "Assault- All you need to know about it",
            "description": "Assault, a Common Law principle, developed over the years through various judicial decisions is both civil and criminal in nature. Most people, upon hearing the term, visualize extreme physical violence against someone or using a weapon against someone, which are the characteristics of Battery. This article clarifies the concept of assault while distinguishing it with battery and brings out various elements required to constitute Assault.  ",
            "image": "",
            "imagealt": "",
            "slug": "71-assault-all-you-need-to-know-about-it"
            "id": 70,
            "mtag_name": "General Legal",
            "title": "Juvenile Justice Act, 2015: Lacunas in the Legislation",
            "description": "The problem of juvenile delinquency is not new. It occurs in all societies simple as well as complex, that is, wherever and whenever a relationship is affected by a group of individuals leading to maladjustments and conflict. In a developing country like India, the problem of juvenile neglect and delinquency is considerably low but gradually increasing according to the National crime record bureau report 2007.",
            "image": "",
            "imagealt": "Juvenile Justice Act",
            "slug": "70-will-the-juvenile-justice-act-2015-which-is-not-in-conformity-with-the-united-nations-convention-on-the-rights-of-the-child-uncrc-really-bring-a-decline-in-the-rate-of-juvenile-crime-in-india"
            "id": 69,
            "mtag_name": "Corporate Law",
            "title": "Fast track Exit Scheme under the Companies Act, 2013",
            "description": "One of the quick ways to shut down a company, when non-operational over a period of time, was through a process called Fast Track Exit (FTE). In its place, the Companies Act, 2013 has brought in a process called Removal of Names of Companies from Register (Section 248 of Companies Act, 2013), with effect from 26 December 2016.",
            "image": "",
            "imagealt": "",
            "slug": "69-fast-track-exit-scheme-under-the-companies-act-2013"